Saturday, April 23, 2005
Confessions of a Closet Country Picker Part II
She readily agreed. In fact, for someone a bit younger than me, she seemed rather eager to get down to it. So much for the earlier show of coyness from a dame of Japanese origins.
We started slow and easy, taking the time to explore each other. Gentle teasing here and there with occasional flourishes kept it from getting stale while keeping the pace relaxed. Her soft purring was soothing to the ears and soul, and her mellow voice possessed a smooth quality, not unlike fine scotch. We could have carried on that way for hours, but I was eager to find out how far she would go.
Taking the initiative, I kicked it up another notch and upped the tempo. To my surprise, she went right along with me as if she had been anticipating it all along. Her responsiveness was as though she were tuned in to every move and trick that I conjured, responding each time with something of her own to surprise me. She was giving as good as she got, perhaps even better. No words were exchanged, but the feeling was intense as we tried to outdo each other. Every move she made seemed to tease and egg me on, “C’mon cowboy, that all you’ve got?”
A heady mix of ego and excitement took over me, as I took out all the stops and let it rip. I dug in as hard as I could, throwing all sense of caution to the wind. Not wanting to be outdone, she gave it all she had and fought back with even more bite. The volume got louder and louder, as did the level of excitement between us. Upon reaching the threshold of decency, she gave out a huge, earth-shaking growl of such aggression that it would have brought most men to their knees.
Not me. “ to my ears. I thought. It only served to embolden and encourage me as I pushed whatever boundaries I thought I had. Again, no words were spoken, but her every growl and groan screamed, “Yeah that’s what I’m talking about cowboy! Giddyup!” I had come this far and unleashed the beast within her. There was no turning back.
On and on we went, oblivious to the passage of time and whatever was happening around us. At that moment, there were only two of us and nothing else mattered, not even the lightning of Zeus or the waters of Poseidon could have come between us. Exactly when we reached a point of climax was immaterial. What mattered was that we both realized something extraordinary had happened. It was, truly, a meeting of minds and bodies, a union of souls.
As she sat in my lap and lay in my arms, I ran my hand across her alluring profile and a whisper seemed to emanate, “Take me home.”
And so I did.

There she is.
Posted by Hello
She’s an 80’s Fender Telecaster in Butterscotch Blonde, made in Japan. Telecasters are versatile guitars used in almost all forms of music, but are most commonly used in country for their trademark twang and bite.
In writing this post, every descriptive cliché that could be used was milked for all it was worth. My apologies if it made any of you cringe. I don't read this kind of stuff.
Much thanks goes to Dennis of Guitar77 who made this union possible (and affordable).
We started slow and easy, taking the time to explore each other. Gentle teasing here and there with occasional flourishes kept it from getting stale while keeping the pace relaxed. Her soft purring was soothing to the ears and soul, and her mellow voice possessed a smooth quality, not unlike fine scotch. We could have carried on that way for hours, but I was eager to find out how far she would go.
Taking the initiative, I kicked it up another notch and upped the tempo. To my surprise, she went right along with me as if she had been anticipating it all along. Her responsiveness was as though she were tuned in to every move and trick that I conjured, responding each time with something of her own to surprise me. She was giving as good as she got, perhaps even better. No words were exchanged, but the feeling was intense as we tried to outdo each other. Every move she made seemed to tease and egg me on, “C’mon cowboy, that all you’ve got?”
A heady mix of ego and excitement took over me, as I took out all the stops and let it rip. I dug in as hard as I could, throwing all sense of caution to the wind. Not wanting to be outdone, she gave it all she had and fought back with even more bite. The volume got louder and louder, as did the level of excitement between us. Upon reaching the threshold of decency, she gave out a huge, earth-shaking growl of such aggression that it would have brought most men to their knees.
Not me. “ to my ears. I thought. It only served to embolden and encourage me as I pushed whatever boundaries I thought I had. Again, no words were spoken, but her every growl and groan screamed, “Yeah that’s what I’m talking about cowboy! Giddyup!” I had come this far and unleashed the beast within her. There was no turning back.
On and on we went, oblivious to the passage of time and whatever was happening around us. At that moment, there were only two of us and nothing else mattered, not even the lightning of Zeus or the waters of Poseidon could have come between us. Exactly when we reached a point of climax was immaterial. What mattered was that we both realized something extraordinary had happened. It was, truly, a meeting of minds and bodies, a union of souls.
As she sat in my lap and lay in my arms, I ran my hand across her alluring profile and a whisper seemed to emanate, “Take me home.”
And so I did.

There she is.
Posted by Hello
She’s an 80’s Fender Telecaster in Butterscotch Blonde, made in Japan. Telecasters are versatile guitars used in almost all forms of music, but are most commonly used in country for their trademark twang and bite.
In writing this post, every descriptive cliché that could be used was milked for all it was worth. My apologies if it made any of you cringe. I don't read this kind of stuff.
Much thanks goes to Dennis of Guitar77 who made this union possible (and affordable).