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Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Sunshine of your love

Yet another day in the sun.

It’s amazing how the Internet has shrunk the world. I met up with a California resident who previously sold me stuff on Ebay and shipped them to me in Singapore, and when I saw him listing some new stuff on Ebay it suddenly occurred to me that he was just a half hour drive away, so we met up about a week back. His name is Carter, and like me he’s got a penchant for old, weird, funky guitar stuff, so today he brought me to a big yard sale where he gets great stuff sometimes.

It’s a bigger version of Sungei Road Thieves Market. For the benefit of those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s basically a place where people hock all sorts of stuff, layed out on groundsheets. Some of it ranges from outrageous (used shaver blades? For what, AIDS sample testing?) to intriguing. Well, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

This one that I went to was much bigger, with a lot more interesting artifacts. The location was an old drive-in theatre converted into a big open space, where people drove up their vans and trucks into designated lots and unloaded their stuff. Among some of the more interesting items were antique cameras, toys, obsolete electronic equipment and testers and even a slide rule, all from an era gone by. Some others were rather dubious, like the rusty shovels, broken spanners and broken plastic housings while others were downright ridiculous, like a bunch of guys flogging a mountain of trashy lingerie. Ah well, it adds to the colour and excitement of the whole place. You never know what you’ll find. Call me eccentric, but sometimes you might just find a personal treasure among the whole mountain of junk.

For today though, there wasn’t any such treasure to be found, though I did get something that I think an alcoholic friend of mine will appreciate.

After that, I made my way back to Hermosa Beach to check out what the festival was like in the afternoon. I’m glad I did.

The rows of white tents lined an intersection in an X shape, showcasing work by painters, photographers, sculptors and all sorts of eclectic clothing and costume jewelry. It was a beautiful sunny day and Californians were out to enjoy Memorial Day in all its’ glory. People of all ages strolled down the stalls, taking in the sights and perusing the displays. For the most part, the people themselves were a pretty sight too. Young ladies in bikini tops and flirty skirts, MILFs pushing baby prams, all finely packaged in summer attire.

The magnificent canines on display were a sight to behold too. Bulldogs, Labradors, Retrievers, Boxers, Mastiffs, Pugs and several other breeds all had their day in the sun, sometimes drawing coos, pets and rubs from admiring females. If this is a dog’s life, sign me up.

Minus the silly dog clothing and accessories please.

I hit the beach and again its’ beauty didn’t fail to amaze me. This time, it was bathed in sunshine and there were more beach-goers, adding colour and life to the cream-coloured shoreline. Sun-tanning babes were eye-candy icing on the cake, making it an entirely pleasurable visual experience. From the pier, the waves lapped the sand in periodic sinusoidal fashion. Surfers and surfers-in-training spread out across the coast to catch the wave, which never really did get very big though, just enough to crash into the shore and froth like the foamy head on a fresh pint of Guiness. Trust me, it’s a very nice mental image to have on a warm day.

I don’t know if I can ever step foot on Sentosa without feeling that something is missing.

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